I've used a lot of on-line services over the years, trying to spread the word about my music. Currently, the sites I work the most are ReverbNation, FaceBook, MySpace, and my own site, Falikshow.com. I also use twitter and other services that utilize twitter APIs, like http://twt.fm/ that allow you to share mp3s.
I like ReverbNation right now primarily because of the way it integrates feeds from other sites, particularly MySpace, FaceBook, and Twitter. Other features that work for me are the profile layout, and the newly-implemented storefront.
The RN layout is modular allowing for the exclusion of content types. That's important to me because I don't perform a lot so I can exclude the "gigs" section. Most of the new music artist sites popping up include a YouTube video feed, and RN is no exception.
I also like its charting implementation. Ordinarily, for me popularity charts are counter-productive (pardon the pun). My music is not mainstream and I usually don't fare well even when I get lumped in with other world artists. And even RN doesn't separate "world" from "reggae". But the way stats are accumulated it does offer a picture of activity that is none-the-less informative. I get a much clearer picture of who is enjoying my music despite the genre classification; the labeling doesn't get too much in the way of analysis. MySpace stats, on the other hand, tell me absolutely nothing, and usually appear to lag, anyway.